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KMFA offers 2 Flag Football programs throughout the year – Outdoor Spring Flag and Indoor Winter Flag.

We are proud of the fact that we have the largest Spring flag football program in BC and it continues to grow each year as more boys and girls are discovering the fun in playing flag football. We are also the only organization in the Okanagan that runs indoor Winter Flag for the kids that just can’t enough and want to improve their skills year-round. 

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Age Divisions are based on birth year; Your child’s age as of December 31 of the year the program runs will determine their age division. Our programs are a 5v5 format, open to boys and girls with any level of playing experience. Games are played in a jamboree style format of 25-minute long games each weekend. Games are generally played at the same location each week.

We are in need of Coaches, please apply here.


It is time to register for our upcoming Spring NFL Flag Football Season.

Here are the details for each age group:

Age Groups:

  • U7- Little Tykes: Born between Jan 1, 2019- Dec 31, 2020.
  • U10: Born between Jan 1, 2016- Dec 31, 2018
  • U12: Born between Jan 1, 2014 - Dec 31, 2015
  • U14: Born between Jan 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2013
  • U16: Born between Jan 1, 2010 - Dec 31, 2011

Program Schedules U10-U16


Teams will have one or two practices per week, with a maximum of two two-hour practices. The time and location will be determined by the head coach of the team your child is drafted to.


Most games will be played at the Mission Sports Fields. There are a couple of weeks when we will need to move to an alternate location due to tournaments being held at the Mission Sports Fields. We will inform you of any changes as soon as we know.

  • U10:
    • When: Sundays 2:30pm-4:30pm
  • U12:
    • When: Sundays 12:15pm-2:15pm
  • U14:
    • When: Sundays 10am-12pm
  • U16:
    • When: Sundays 8am-10am.


  • U10:
    • Evaluations: March 16 @ 8:00am at MNP Place
  • U12:
    • Evaluations: March 15 @ 4:00pm at West Kelowna Multi-Sport Dome
  • U14:
    • Evaluations: March 15 @ 6:00pm at West Kelowna Multi-Sport Dome
  • U16:
    • Evaluations: March 16 @ 3:30pm at West Kelowna Multi-Sport Dome


Little Tykes

This program will run on Sundays from 8:00am-9:30am at the Mission Sports Field.


Important Dates:

  • First day of games: April 6, 2025.
  • April 20- Easter Sunday- regular schedule- we will have games!
  • May 18- May Long Weekend- NO games.
  • Last day of games: U16- Friday May 30.
  • Last day of games: U10, U12 & U14- Sunday June 1.


Register Today


Each June there is a province wide tournament for U10 through U19 divisions. Each division draws an average of 30 teams or more from all over the Lower Mainland up to Prince George for a fun weekend of challenging competition.KMFA has no affiliation to the organization of the tournament. Teams interested in entering the tournament will need to be registered individually through Esportsdesk and an additional team fee paid. At the start of our regular season, coaches must inform their teams of their intent for this tournament – some coaches take their regular house league team as drafted (if all players want to participate) into the tournament, while others choose to enter a specially selected team. All KMFA players are eligible for this tournament and KMFA will work to ensure your child has a team to play with if they want to participate or parents may source a team for their child to play with.

2024 tournament dates are June 7-9th.


KMFA is leading the way to improving the safety of play by being one of the first organizations to adopt the mandate for all players to wear a softshell helmet during practices and games.

A $100 deposit will be required at the start of the season and returned/destroyed when the helmet is collected at the end of the season in good repair. Through the season, helmets may be washed in your regular laundry cycle.

KMFA is proudly sponsored and supported by: